Translation of the song Usnule Lepotice artist Ceca
Usnule Lepotice
Sleeping beauties
Ti stvarno misliš da si nežni princ na belom konju,
You really think you're gentle Prince Charming
Malo je sada kasno za nas dvoje...
It's a little too late for us
Produži dalje, možda sebi nađeš neku bolju,
Go on, maybe you'll find someone better
Za mene bajke više ne postoje...
For me, fairy tales do not exist anymore
Ja nisam heroina nekog starog nemog filma...,
I'm not a heroine of an old silent film
I ništa neće biti od romanse...
there won't be anything of our romance
Neka bi druga bila čak i srećna da te ima,
someone else would be happy to have you
Al' naša ljubav veruj, nema šanse.
But, trust me, there's no chance for our love
Ne glumi odavno nestale su usnule lepotice...
Don't act, sleeping beauties doesn't exist anymore
I ćuti, ti nudiš, a ja neću tvoje lažne poljupce.
be quiet, I dont want your sham kiss
Ne glumi odavno nestale su usnule lepotice;
Don't act, sleeping beauties doesn't exist anymore
I ćuti, ti nudiš, a ja neću tvoje lažne poljupce...
be quiet, I dont want your sham kiss
Ti sanjaj svoje snove, samo tako možeš naći,
Keep dreaming your dreams, that's the only way
Poljupce vrele kada zora sviće.
to find hot kisses into dawn
Ja nemam nadu da se nebo može srćem taći,
I don't have a hope that heaven can be touched by heart
Sve što smo duže samo gore biće...
as long as we're together it will only get worse