Translation of the song Viski artist Ceca
Mala noćna navika
A little nightly habit
već me hvata panika.
I'm already starting to panic
Niko me još nigde nije pozvao...
no one has invited me anywhere yet
Idem sama nema šta,
I'm going alone, that's it
šta se ovde dešava?
What's happening here
Kakva gužva, kakvo je to ludilo?
What a crowd, what a crazy party
Da li da se vratim, sve me nervira...
Should I go back, everything is annoying me
Pomeri se bar da prodjem ja.
Move, at least, so I can pass by
Sipaj viski preko malo leda...
Pour whiskey over some ice
hajde, ljuljaj, ljuljaj, tako treba.
come on, sway, sway, that's how it should be
Evo, stojim ceo sat,
So, I've been standing for an hour
Dripci dišu mi za vrat...
with jerks breathing down my neck
Malo me je sve to već umorilo.
it's all making me a bit tired
Nikog ne znam, a sve znam...
I don't know anyone, and I know them all
Tako je to kad si sam...
that's how it is when you're alone
Kao da se ovo već dogodilo.
it's as if though this has happened before
Ti si treći što me pita
You are the third one to ask me
s kim sam došla, gde ću posle...
with whom I came, where I'm going after
I da li mi je možda malo, malo više dosadno?
and if I'm maybe getting a little more bored
Ti si treći koga lažem
You are the third one to whom I'm lying
da sam s nekim, da sam pošla
that I am with someone, that I'm already leaving
I da mi je ovo trebalo!
and that I really needed this