Želim te, tako te silno želim
I want you, I want you so much
al' reči dve ne mogu reći sve
but the two words cant tell everything
kol'ko bi rekle usne
as the lips would say
kad bi te ljubile
if they were kissing you
Volim te, tako te ludo volim
I love you, I love you so much
al' reči dve ne mogu reći sve
but the two words cant say everything
kol'ko bi rekle ruke
as the arms would tell you
kad bi te grlile
if they were hugging you
Trebaš mi, tako mi jako trebaš
I need you, I need you so much
al' reči dve ne mogu reći sve
but the two words cant tell everything
kol'ko bi reklo telo
as the body would say
kad bi te volelo
if it would love you
Veruj mi, tebi ću dati sve
Believe me, I would give everything to you
dođi što pre, srce mi umire
come as soon as possible, my heart is dying
noći su moje hladne
my nights are cold
dođi i uzmi me
come and take me