Translation of the song Zagrljaj artist Ceca
I ti, i ja, umiremo
You and I are dying
da se na tren bar dodirnemo.
just to touch each other for a moment
K'o put u raj, ljubav je ta
that love is like the path towards heaven
i večna je, i nemoguća.
it's eternal and impossible
I živeće dva nedužna...
Two innocent and very sad
dva pretužna, hej!
people will live, hey
Zaradiće na mom bolu
The musicians will earn money
noćni svirači
because of my pain
tek kad te vidim
only when I see you
sunce će izaći
the sun will set
o, samoćo sviraj kraj.
oh, solitude play the ending
I bićemo možda stari
And we might be too old
za neke stvari
for some things
pred nama samo prazni kalendari
we still have empty calenders ahead of us
al' nikada, stari za zagrljaj.
but we'll never be too old for an embrace
I svaki moj korak je greh
Every step I take is a sin
bez tebe dan, bez tebe smeh.
there's no day without you, nor laughter without you
U ništa sve pretvorili smo
we've turned everything into nothing
da patimo zaslužili smo.
we've earned it to suffer
I živeće dva nedužna
Two innocent and very sad
dva pretužna, hej!
people will live, hey
Život je najduži most
Life is the longest bridge
koji moramo preći
which we have to cross
Bez daha ostaneš...
you're out of breath
jer taj san o sreći
because that dream about happiness
uništi te, pre nego ostvari se!
destroys you, before it even gets fulfilled