Translation of the song Adı Bahtiyar artist Ahmet Kaya


Adı Bahtiyar

English translation

His name is Bahtiyar

Geçiyor önümden sirenler içinde

He's passing before me, through sirens

Ah eller üstünde çiçekler içinde

Ah, on the hands, within flowers

Dudağında yarım bir sevdanın hüznü

The sorrow of a half-finished love is on his lip

Aslan gibi göğsü türküler içinde

His lion-like breast is within folk songs

Rastlardım avluda hep volta atarken

I used to come upon at the courtyard while I was always marching up and down

Cıgara içerken yahut coblanırken

smoking a cigarette or being beaten by a stick

Kimseyle konuşmaz dal gibi titrerdi

He used to speak with no-one and shiver as a branch

Çocukça sevdiği çiçeği sularken

While he was watering the flower that he loved childishly

Diyarbakırlıymış adı Bahtiyar

He was from Diyarbakır, his name is Bahtiyar

Suçu saz çalmakmış öğrendiği kadar

His crime was playing saz as far as I know

Geçiyor önümden gül yüzlü Bahtiyar

He is passing before me, rose faced Bahtiyar

Yara aldığı yerde kalan sazı kadar

I am wounded as much as his saz that stayed on the ground

Beni tez saldılar o içerde kaldı

They let me free soon, he stayed there inside

Çok sonra duydum ki Yozgatta sürgünde

I later found out that he was on exile in Yozgat

Ne yapsa etse üstüne gitmişler

They fell upon him because of everything he did

Mavi gök yüzünü ona dar etmişler

They restricted the blue skies to him

Gazetede çıktı üç satır yazı ile

It was published on newspapers as a three line story

Uzamış sakalı çatlamış sazıyla

With his lengthened beard and cracked saz

Birileri ona ölmedin diyorda

Somebody was saying you didn't die to him

Ölüm ilanında hüzünle gülüyordu

On his death notice, he was smiling with sorrow

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