Translation of the song Demedim Mi Haydar artist Ahmet Kaya


Demedim Mi Haydar

English translation

Didn't I Tell, Haydar

biz dağlarda keklik idik

we were partridges in the mountains

şimdi bu çöplükte karga olduk

now we are crows in this garbage dump

bizim de boyumuzu aştı bu şehir

this city exceeded our height too

yerlere serildik madara olduk

we sprawled on the ground, greatly disgraced

demedim mi haydar, demedim mi sana

didn't I tell, Haydar, didn't I tell you

bu istanbul yutar adamı

that this Istanbul engulfs one

demedim mi haydar, demedim mi söyle

didn't I tell, Haydar, say it, didn't I tell

bu şerefsiz geceler satar adamı

that these dishonest nights sell one

biz umutlar yolcusuyduk

we were travelers of hope

rakı sofrasında bir meze olduk

we became meze* on the raki table

bizim de harcımız değildi sevmek

we didn't know what love was

yosmalar içinde kepaze olduk

we became the ridicule of pretty women

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