Translation of the song O Vahşi At artist Ahmet Kaya


O Vahşi At

English translation

The wild horse

Bizi güllerin iklimi tüketti

the climate of roses consumed us

toprağı yaran filize vurulduk

we fell in love with the seedling that breaks the soil

o vahşi beyaz at alıp başını gitti

that wild white horse went away

bir yaz yağmuru gibi unutulduk

we were forgotten like a summer rain

Sığ yanlarımız oldu arasıra

at times we had shallow manners

el yordamıyla dalarken hayata

when we were diving into life gropingly

bir parça telaş bir parça ümittik

a bit of haste, a bit of hope we were

hiç yetişemedik o vahşi ata

we never caught up to that wild horse

O vahşi atla beraber

along with that wild horse

ah şu içimizdekiler

oh, those who were in us

sanki sökülürcesine

as if they were uprooted

gitti gider, gitti gider

they're gone forever, they're gone forever

Bize bir günün çelişkisi yetti

a contradiction of one day was enough for us

dudağı yoran bir söze kırıldık

we were offended by a word that tired the lip

o vahşi beyaz at tutuştu yelesinden

that wild white horse caught fire at its mane

kaldığı yerden başlanır mi artık

could it be started once more where it left off

Hiç ayrılmayız derken bir ucundan

while we were saying we'll never give up holding its end

aşktı o yitirdiğimiz inan aşktı

it was love that we lost, believe, it was love

ben sana kıydım sen bana gücendin

i forfeited you, you were hurt by me

ve durduramadık o vahşi atı

and we couldn't stop that wild horse

O vahşi atın ardından

after that wild horse

ah şu aramızdakiler

oh, those who were among us

hiç yaşanmamışçasına

as if it was never lived

uçtu gider, uçtu gider

they flew away forever, they flew away forever

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