Ya, angin bertiup dan terasa
Yes, the wind is blowing and it can be felt
Ku semakin dewasa
I am gradually turning into an adult
Awan berarak lembut pada musim gugur
The fluffy clouds are moving in the autumn
Buah labu telah menjadi baja
The pumpkin has turned into fertilisers
Daun layu seakan sedih saja
And the wilted leaves seems to be just sad
Itu sebabku ingin memastikan
That is why I want to make sure that...
Ya, ada tak berubah
...Yes, some things do not change
Tanganmu erat tanganku
Your hand is holding firmly with my hand
Ada tak berubah
Some things do not change
Kita serasi bersama
We are well-suited to be together
Seperti kukuhnya tembok lama punya keteguhan
Just like how strong the wall is as it has the strength
Ada tak berubah
Some things do not change
Akan kugenggam di hatiku
I shall grasp it into my heart
Gugurnya daun yang lama
The old leaves are falling
Sven, cintaku tak berubah
Sven, my love never changes
Adakah hari ini kau akan melamar dia?
Is it today the day that you will propose to her?
Ya, dan aku lemah dalam percintaan
Yes and I am weak in love
Tak pandai memberi ayat cinta
I am not that smart to utter the verses of love
Biarlah aku yang tolong membantu kamu
Let me help you
Ya, ada tak berubah
Yes, some things do not change
Perasaanku padanya
It is the feeling of mine to her
Ada tak berubah
Some things do not change
Lebih mudah dengan rusa
It is easier to be with a reindeer
Jika ku mahu mengahwininya
If I want to marry her,
Harusku melamarnya, kan?
Then I should propose to her, right?
Ada tak berubah
Some things do not change
Sven, inilah dugaanmu
Sven, this is your test
Angin tak tenang
The wind is restless
Mungkinkah sebab suara itu?
Maybe is it caused by that voice?
Apa kan tiba?
What will come soon?
Aku tak ingin ubah apa pun
I do not want to change anything
Hari bernilai, tak mahu lepaskan
This day is precious, I do not want to let go of it
Tak mungkin bekukan namun kugenggami waktu ini
It is impossible to freeze it but I will seize this time
Angin dingin kian terasa
The cool wind can be felt more and more
Kita merasa makin dewasa
We feel like we are gradually turning adults
Bersyukurlah kita di hari yang indah
We should be grateful on this lovely day
Hasil bumi di negeri ini
With all the natural resources in this kingdom
Banyak yang dapat disyukuri
There are many things that we can be thankful for
Ku berjanji bendera Arendelle terus berkibar
I promise that the flag of Arendelle will keep flying
Bendera berkibar
The flag is flying
Bendera berkibar
The flag is flying
Bendera berkibar
The flag is flying
Ada tak berubah walaupun waktu berlalu
Some things do not change even when time has passed
Ada tak berubah
Some things do not change
Masa depan siapa tahu
Who knows about the future?
Biar yang lalu terus berlalu
Let the past keep passing by
Kita kejar waktu
We will run after the time
Ada tak berubah
Some things do not change
Ku genggammu di hatiku
I am grabbing you into my heart
Genggammu di hatiku
Grabbing you into my heart
Genggammu di hatiku
Grabbing you into my heart
Genggammu di hatiku
Grabbing you into my heart
Ku genggammu di hatiku
I am grabbing you into my heart