Danish, English, French, Icelandic, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Swedish, Bulgarian, Chinese, Estonian, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Thai, Dutch dialects, Sami, Vietnamese
Into the Unknown (in 29 languages)
English translation
Into the Unknown (in 29 languages)
I can hear you, but I won’t
I can hear you, but I won’t
Some look for trouble, while others don’t
Some look for trouble, while others don’t
Más de mil razones hay para seguir igual
There’re more than a thousand reasons to keep going about
忽视你的低语 对我无形的支配
I’m ignoring your murmurs, which have an invisible force over me
Du är ingen röst, bara en obetydlig ton
You’re not a voice, only an insignificant tone
Jag är upptagen, hur som helst
I’m busy, anyway
Csak kitalált hangzás
Just a made-up sound
Oly sok embert védelmeznek várunk falai
So many people are protected by the walls of our castle
Så mystiske sirene, nej, dit kald bli'r ikke hørt
So, mysterious siren, no, your call will remain unheard
Mus leat fearánat ja in dárbbaš lasit šat
I’ve had adventures and I don’t need more
Glaubst du, ich will das riskieren, und ich folge dir
Do you think I want to risk all this and that I’ll follow you
Inn á nýja braut
On a new path
Към незнаен свят
Towards an unknown world
Exploring the unknown?
Mis tahad sa, kui minult une röövid nii?
What do you want, when you're stealing away my sleep?
Er du her for å skremme, til jeg føler meg forlatt?
Are you here to scare me, till I feel abandoned?
Ил' ти си биће које јесте помало ко ја?
Or are you a creature that’s a little bit like me?
Qui mieux que moi pourrait savoir d’où je viens ?
Who could know better than I where do I come from?
Каждый день трудней даётся, сила чар моих растёт
Every day is a little harder, the power of my magic grows
Se nel mondo immenso dell’ignoto andrò
If into the vast world of the unknown I go
Στο άγνωστο να ρθω
To come into the unknown
Chcę uwierzyć snom
I want to believe in dreams
Dus waar ben je?
So where are you?
Nghe ta không nào
Can't you please hear my voice?
Where are you going? I’ll follow you
Näytä tie, mukaan vie
Show me the way, take me with you
Minha intuição
My intuition