Angin lembut berhembus
The gentle wind is blowing*
Mengalirkan semua kenangan
It is flowing with all memories
Lenalah, duhai sayang
Sleep soundly, oh my dear sweetheart
Sungai kelak menceritakan
As the river will tell the story of everything
Pada air yang jernih
In the clear water
Ada jawapan yang dicari
There are answers that you have been looking for
Jangan jauh kau pergi
Please, you cannot go too far
Kelak lemas kan menanti
As she is waiting for you to be drowned soon
Dengarkanlah pada hatimu lagu yang bercerita
Please do listen to the song that is telling stories with all of your heart
Gagahilah ketakutanmu
Be brave to conquer your fear
Bersedia menghadapi?
Are you ready to face her?
Angin lembut berhembus
The gentle wind is blowing
Ada bonda yang merindui
There is a mother that is longing for someone
Pulanglah, wahai sayang
Oh my sweetheart, please do come back home
Hilang pasti kan berganti
What was lost will certainly be replaced