Što je to? Štefica?
What is that? Štefica?
Sve će imat smisla kad odrastem
Everything will make sense once I grow up
Logično će tada biti sve
Everything will have some logic
Mudar bit ću ja i star, jasna bit će svaka stvar
I will be old and wise, everything will be clear
I puno smisla tada bit će u svem!
Everything will make sense then!
Odgovor ću imati ja jednom
Once l'll have an answer
Što radimo u šumi sablasnoj
What are we doing in this creepy forest
Godinice dvije, tri, neću se ni sjećati
After two or three years I won't even remember
Da jednom me je bilo strah u njoj
That once I was scared of it
Odrast ću jednog dana
I'll grow up one day
Saznat ću do tad svega bit
Until then I'Il find out the essence of everything
Kad si zreliji odmah si i hrabriji
When you're mature, you're braver as well
Čak i kad te splaši neki grozno jeziv tip
Even when some terribly creepy guy scares you
Ma sve će imat smisla kad odrastem
Everything will make sense once I grow up
Kada neću biti naivan i mlad
When I won't be naive and young anymore
Do tad snove snivat ću
But until then l'll be dreaming my dreams
Zrelost slatku čekat ću
I'Il be waiting for sweet mature years
Jer kad odrastem smisao će dobiti sve tad!
Because once I grow up everything will make sense!
Sve je u redu.
Everything's fine.