Elsa: Vse v meni pridrhtava
Elsa: Everything in me is trembling
A ni mi hladno
but I'm not cold
Nekad dobro znanega, kakor sanje objame mi telo
Something well known, just like dreans hug my body
Čutim, da si tam
I can feel you there
K tebi grem brez vseh okov
I'm coming to you, cutting loose
Tja prihajam,
I'm arriving there,
kot da bi prišla domov
like I'd come home
Že od nekdaj sem skrivnosti,
I've been hiding my secrets
Svoje vsem prikrivala
from everyone since forever
Pridi brez sramu,
Come, don't be shy,
zakaj bi skrivala?
why would you hide?
Kdo si ti? Želim te spoznati
Who are you? I wanna meet you
Kdo si ti? Daj povej
Who are you? Just tell me
Nate morda sem čakala in zdaj si prišla
I've maybe waited for you and now you came!
Kdo si ti? V oči me poglej
Who are you? Look into my eyes
Od rojstva razdvojena
I've been split ever since I was born
Sem prepričana v to, da tukaj sem z razlogom
I'm sure that I'm here with a reason
Vse mi je namenjeno bilo
Everything was meant to be
Že popolnič sem drugačna
I'm already fully different
Vedno sem se skrivala
I've always been hiding
Je danes dan, ko mi boš ti, vse pojasnila?
Is today the day, when you will explain everything to me?
Kdo si ti? Nič me ne ustavi
Who are you? Nothing can stop me
Tukaj sem, ne trepetam
I am here, I'm not trembling
Ti si odgovor, ki bega me že ves ta čas
You are the answer that has been bugging me all this time
Oh, Kdo si ti? Naj te končno spoznam
Oh, Who are you? Let me finally meet you
Kaži mi pot, skozi temo
Show me the away, through the darkness
Čakam nate neučakano
I'm waiting for you impatiently
Woah, Kaži mi pot, skozi temo
Woah, Show me the away, through the darkness
Čakam nate neučakano
I'm waiting for you impatiently
Refren: Kamor veter poleti,
Choir: Where the wind flies,
Tam je reka in spomini vsi
there's a river and all the memories
Iduna: Dom te čaka ljubica
Iduna: Home is waiting for you, dear
Elsa: Jaz sem ta!
Elsa: I'm the one!
Elsa & Iduna: Kdo si ti? Zdaj noč naj pokaže
Elsa & Iduna: Who are you? Let the night reveal it now
Zrasti zdaj v nekaj novega
Grow now into something new
Iduna: Ti si ogovor, ki bega te
Iduna: You are the answer that has been bugging you
Elsa: Že ves ta čas
Elsa: All this time
Iduna: Že ves ta čas
Iduna: All this time
Elsa: Oh, to sem jaz!
Elsa: Oh, this is me!
Iduna: S' ti
Iduna: It's you