Kaj je to? Samanta?
What is this? Samantha?
Vse bolj jasno bo, ko bom starejši
Everything will be clearer when I'm older
Vse imelo smisel bo tedaj
Everything will make sense (at that time)
Star in moder bom snežak
I'll be an old and wise snowman
in ponosen da sem tak
And proud to be like that
Zakaj premleval bi stvari za nazaj
Why would I (over)think about the past
Vse bom razumel ko bom starejši
I'll understand everything when I'm older
Poznal skrivnost, ki skriva jo ta gozd
I'll know the secret that is hidden in this woods
Vem, da le še kratek čas
I know that just a little more time
In povem vam vsem naglas
And I'll say to all of you outloud
Dobro je ko sreča te modrost
It's good when you become wise
Rastem, se prilagajam
I'm growing and adapting
Zmeda mi sledi skozi čas
Confusion follows me all the time
A ko bolj bom zrel vse več sreče bom imel
But when i'm more mature I'll have more luck
Ko me spremljal vsepovsod ta čuden bo obraz
When that weird face will be with me everywhere
Vse to bolj jasno bo ko bom starejši
All of this will be clearer when I'm older
Ni razloga da pozabil bi na smeh
There's no reason to forget laughing
Zdaj vem kaj je pravi čar
Now I know what's the real charm
Da bom pameten in star
And that is I'll be smart and old
Ko si starejši smisel najdeš prav v vseh stvareh
When you're older you found purpose in everything
Sej bo fajn
It will be great