Translation of the song Kur gi tu? [Show Yourself] artist Frozen 2 (OST)


Kur gi tu? [Show Yourself]

English translation

Where are you?

Jaučiu kaip visa aš virpu bet ne šalta ne

I feel trembling but not from the cold

Kas mane ten šaukia

Whoever calls me

Balsas tas kur girdžiu naktim sapne

There is the voice that I hear at night in my dream

Aš žinau tu ten ir tavęs skubu ieškot

I know you're there and I'm looking for you

Ir jaučiu kad vėl į sugrįžau namo

And I feel that I've home

Ir aš paslaptis daug metų giliai savį laikiau

I have kept my secret for years

Savo paslapčių neslėpki tu daugiau

Please, don't hide your secrets anymore

Kur gi tu? Skubu pas tave aš

Where are you? I want to meet you

Kur gi tu? Atsiliepk

Where are you? Answer my call

Ga tik tavęs šiam gyvenime ieškau seniai

I searched for you for a long time for all of my life

Kur gi tu? Prašau nesislėpk

Where are you? Don't hide

Gyvenimą aš visą vietos sau neradau

I have never put myself within in my life

Bet aš juk čia ne šiaip sau, tarytum dėl šito ir gimiau

But I didn't come here for that reason and why was I born?

Visada buvau keistoka ir kitokia nei visi

I always feel strange and different towards people

O štai dabar man pirmą kart aiškėja paslaptis

And from now, for the first time, the mystery is clearly seen

Kur gi tu? Senos baimės klaidos

Where are you? Forget your fear

Taip toli aš keliavau

I have stepped and traveled so far

Paslaptį savo atskleiski tu man pagaliau

In the end you will reveal your secrets to me

O, kur gi tu? Pasirodyki man

Oh, where are you? Come to me now

Eikš pas mane, leiski greičiau

Come behind me, let me meet you quickly

Neversk manęs laukti ilgiau

Don't make me wait any longer

Eikš pas mane leiski greičiau

Come behind me, let me meet you quickly

Neversk manęs laukti ilgiau

Don't make me wait any longer

- Ten kur žemės pakraštys

- At the ends of the earth

Teka upė ten srauni gili

The river flows deep down there

- Grįžk mieloji į namus

- Come back to your home, my dear

- Aš grįžau!

- I am back!

- Atsiskleisk paleisk savo galią

- Release yourself and [release] your power

Pasikeisk tapki savimi

Change yourself, into something new

- Gal tik savęs šiam gyvenime

- You already know who you are

- Ieškau seniai

- Don't look behind

- Ieškau seniai

- Don't look behind

- O, kur gi tu?

- Oh, where are you?

- Tu

- You

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