Translation of the song Parādies [Show Yourself] artist Frozen 2 (OST)


Parādies [Show Yourself]

English translation

Show Yourself

Elsa: Sirds man satraukumā sitas

Elsa: My heart is beating in excitement

Gars spēku man dod

Spirit gives me strength

Gribu glābt es ļaudis

I want to save people

Visas atbildes šeit man jāatrod

I need to find all the answers here

Jūtu tevi es

I feel you

Daba mani iedvesmo

Nature inspires me

Kļuvām draugi mēs

We became friends

Ļoti priecājos par to

I'm very happy about it

Vienmēr slēpos vientulībā, es biju neziņā

I was always hiding in solitude, I was in obscurity

Slēpies arī tu, nu esam brīvībā

You were hiding too, now we are free

Parādies, es satikties gribu

Show yourself, I want to meet you

Parādies, nevairies

Show yourself, don't evade

Paskaidro man, kā viss iekārtots patiesībā

Explain to me how everything is arranged in reality

Parādies, laiks iepazīties

Show yourself, It' s time to meet

Viss mainīsies uz labu

Everything will change for good

Esmu droša par to

I' m sure about it

Man bija lemts šeit nonākt

I was destined to come here

Lai atklātu visu apslēpto

To uncover all that is hidden

Vienmēr atšķīros no citiem,

I was always different from others,

Grimu baiļu atvarā

I was sinking in the maelstrom of fears

Vai beidzot šeit tu spēsi teikt

Will you finally be able to tell here soon

Kāpēc viss bija tā

Why everything was like this?

Parādies, vairs baiļu nav manī

Show yourself, there are no fears in me anymore

Esmu klāt, ceļš bija tāds

I'm here, such was my way

Gribu, lai mēs visi dzīvojam saticībā

I want all of us to live in concord

Parādies, lūdzu nāc palīgā

Show yourself, please, come to help

Kas apslēpts šeit? Atklāj man to

What is hidden in here? Reveal it to me

Laiks uzzināt svarīgāko

It's time to find out the most important

Kas apslēpts šeit? Atklāj man to

What is hidden in here? Reveal it to me

Laiks uzzināt svarīgāko

It's time to find out the most important

Koris:Tur, kur debess miglā krīt,

Choris: Where the sky is wrapped in mist

Kādā upē viss, kas bijis mīt

It is a river and inside of it

Iduna: Tajā atmiņu ir daudz

Iduna: There are many memories in it

Elsa: Un tā sauc

And it's calling

Elsa & Iduna: Parādies, steidz palīgā ļaudīm

Elsa & Iduna: Show yourself, Go help your people

Rīkojies, visu vari tu

Take action, you can do everything

Iduna: Daba un ļaudis var pastāvēt

Iduna: Nature and people can exist

Elsa: Harmonijā (Iduna: Harmonijā)

Elsa: In harmony (Iduna: In harmony)

Elsa: Parādies!

Elsa: Show yourself!

Iduna: Tu...

Iduna: You...

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