Angin laut berhembus
Where the gale of the sea is blasting
Ada sungai penuh kenangan
There is a river that is full of memories
Tidurlah oh, sayangku!
Oh my darling, please do sleep well!
Semua akan ditemukan
As everything will be found
Di perairan yang dalam
In the waters that are deep
Ada jawaban jalan untukmu
There is an answer which is a path for you
Selamilah suaranya
Have a dive into her voice
Janganlah terlalu dalam
But do not be too deep within it
Nyanyiannya 'kan terdengar
Her singing will be heard
Di dalamnya ada aliran sihir
Inside her, there is a magical flow
Sanggupkah kau menghadapi kenyataan yang ada?
Are you willing to face the reality that is there?
Angin laut berhembus
Where the gale of the sea is blasting
Ada ibu penuh kenangan
There is a mother that is full of memories
Pulanglah hai, sayangku!
My darling, oh my, please do return home
Yang hilang 'kan ditemukan
As the one that is lost will be found