Kamor veter poleti,
Wherever the wind flies
Tam je reka in spomini vsi
That's where the river and all the memories are
Spi zdaj, moja ljubica
Sleep now, my darling
Saj reka nosi znanja vsa
Because the river carries all the knowledge
V njenih vodah prav na dnu
Right at the bottom of her waters
Je odgovor, ki ga najdeš v snu
Is the answer you find in your sleep
Le odplavaj zdaj do tja
Go ahead and swim over there now
A pazi da ne boš zašla
But be careful not to go astray
Ja, sliši, kdor prisluhne ji
Yes, whoever listens to it, hears
V pesmi vse je magično
Everything is magical inside a song
A strah naj te ne ohromi
But don't let the fear paralyse you
Sprejmi še spoznanje to
Accept this discovery
Kamor veter poleti,
Wherever the wind flies
Tam je mati in spomini vsi
That's where the mother and all the memories are
Dom te čaka, ljubica
Home awaits you, darling
Vse kar je šlo, boš spet našla
Everything that went away you'll find again