Ten kur žemės pakraštys,
Where the edge of the earth
Teka upė ten srauni, gili
The river flows, deep, down there
Mik, mieloji, tu ramiai,
Sleep darling, you calm down
O paslaptis paliki jai.
And leave the secrets to her
Vandenyse jos tyruos,
In the waters, they will purify
Klausimą tu jai gali užduot
You can ask her a question
Nerk giliai į jos gelmes,
Dive deep into her depths
Tik atsargiai, gali nuskęst.
Just be careful, you may drown
Tik tiems, kas klauso širdimi
Only for those who listen with their hearts
Ji paslaptis visas atskleis
She will reveal all the secrets
Tik ar išliksi savimi,
Will you just keep yourself?
Kai žinai, ką tau teks pakeist
When you know what you will have to change
Ten ku žemės pakraštys,
Where the edge of the earth
Tavęs laukia, tik greičiau sugrįžk.
Waiting for you, just come back soon
Grįžk, mieloji, į namus,
Come back, darling, home
Praradusi surasi mus.
You're lost, you'll find us.