Sieloje tamsu, juoda naktis
In my soul it's a dark, black night
Ji šalta, ji tuščia, man baisu
It's cold, it's empty, I'm scared
Sužlugo visos viltys, gęsta šviesa
All of my hopes were crushed, the light is fading
Skleidžias tamsa, neliko man jėgų
The darkness is blossoming, I have no strength left
Su manim buvai visad šalia
You were always here by my side
Bet dabar aš likau vienų viena
But now I'm left all alone
Kančia, ji slegia kaip akmuo sunkus
The suffering, it weighs on me like a heavy rock
Bet širdyje kužda man kažkas
But something in my heart is whispering
Nėr tavęs, nėr vilties
If you're not here, there's no hope
Bet reik eit vis vien
But I still need to go
Tik tu savim tikėk
Just believe in yourself
Ar išauš diena po šios nakties?
Will the day come after this night?
Nežinau, kas toliau laukia mūs
I don't know, what's waiting for us next*
Ir kaip surasti kelią man vienai reiks?
And how should I find the way by myself?
Kelrode žvaigžde buvai man tu
You were the star that showed me the way
Iš kur man reik rast jėgų,
Where should I find strength,
Kai be tavęs man taip sunku?
When it's so hard for me without you?
Tik tu savim tikėk
Just believe in yourself
Žingsnį ženk, ženk drąsiau
Take a step, take it bravely
Nesustok, eik toliau
Don't stop, go farther
Tik tu savim tikėk
Just believe in yourself
Kas mūs laukia ateity?
What's waiting for us in the future?
Man galvoti per sunku
It's too hard to think about
Bet neskubėk, giliai įkvėpk, pasiryžk eit tolyn
But don't rush, take a deep breath, dare to go farther
Žinau, kad juk galiu
I know that I can
Tamsoje nepaklysk,
Don't get lost in the dark,
Raski kelią šviesos link
Find the way towards the light
Tik tu savim tikėk
Just believe in yourself
Išauš diena, kas tada,
When the day comes, what then,
Kai žinai, kad niekas jau nebus daugiau kaip visada?
When you know that nothing will ever be the same?
Ir tada toliau kartosiu sau
And I will keep repeating to myself
Tik tu savim tikėk
Just believe in yourself