Meni nikad hladno nije, a drhtim sad sva
I'm never feeling cold, but now I'm trembling
Čak ni strah me nije
I'm not even afraid
Ko da tu sve već znam iz svoga sna
It's like I already know this place from my dream
Ja te osjećam duboko u srcu svom
I feel you deep within my heart
Tebi stižem
I'm coming to you
Ko da tu je meni dom
I feel like this is my home
Kao kula ja sam bila, svijet tajni skrivala
I have been like a fortress, I was hiding the world of secrets
Tajna si i ti, al' otkrit ću te ja
You're secret as well, but I'll discover you
Pokaži se meni
Show yourself to me
Daj mi trag
Give me a clue
Hoćeš li ti sad promijeniti cijeli moj svijet?
Will you be the one who will change my whole world?
Tko si ti, ja saznat ću sad
I about to find out who you are
Jer potpuno sam spremna da sve otkrijem ja
Because I'm completely ready to find out everything
Al' pitanje me muči zbog čeg sam se takva rodila?
But there is one question that's still bothering me: Why was I born like this?
Čudna vječito sam bila i oduvijek drukčija
I was always so strange and very different from others
Pa stiže čas da tvoj mi glas sad kaže sve što zna!
And now comes the time for your voice to tell me everything that it knows!
Ja više ne drhtim!
I'm not trembling anymore!
Stigla sam, sad stojim tu!
I came and I'm standing here!
Sigurna da ćeš promijeniti cijeli moj svijet!
I'm sure that you will change my whole world!
Daj mi otkrij baš sve
Come on,tell me everything
Otvori put, prolaz mi daj
Open your way for me
Učini sad čekanju kraj!
Put an end to this waiting!
Otvori put, prolaz mi daj
Open your way for me
Učini sad čekanju kraj!
Put an end to this waiting!
- Tamnom moru sjevera teče rijeka puna sjećanja
- A river full of memories is flowing towards dark north sea
- Dijete, plovi zemljom sna!
- My child, sail through the land of dreams!
- Sve sad znam!
- Now I know everything!
Jača nego ikad
Stronger that you ever been before!
Uzmi svoju moć!
Embrace your power!
- Sama ćeš sad ti promijeniti
- You're about to change
- Cijeli svoj svijet!
- My whole world!
- Cijeli svoj svijet!
- My whole world!
- Tko si ti?
- Who are you?