Evo opet, dosta sad
Here it goes again, it's enough now
Ne tražim kaos već samo sklad
I'm not looking for chaos, just harmony
Imam sto ideja kako provesti svoj dan
I have a hundred ideas how to spend my day
da ne slušam šapat koji mami mene van
And not to listen to the whisper luring me outside
Nisi ti glas, ti tek u ušima si zvon
You are not a voice, you are just some ringing in my ears
Čak da te čujem, a ne čujem, ignoriram tvoj ton
Even if I heard you, and I do not, I'd ignore your tone
Sve što meni znači sreću ima ovaj dvor
Everything that is happiness for me is inside this castle
Sireno, žalim, ali nećeš dobit odgovor
Mermaid, I'm sorry, but you will not get an answer
Već svašta sam prošla i neću srljati
I've already been through a lot and I will not rush
Na pamet ne pada mi tebe slijepo slijediti
I'm not even thinking of following you blindly
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world
Što hoćeš ti?
What do you want?
Da tako kvariš moje sne
When you are spoiling my dreams the way you do
Dal’ zbunit me želiš?
Do you want to confuse me?
Pa da činim pogreške
So I'd make mistakes
Il’ možda ipak ti si baš netko kao ja
Or maybe you're someone just like me
I slutiš već da bih dalje željela
And you feel already that I wish going further
Svaki dan mi je sve teže da zauzdam svoju moć
It's harder by the day for me to tame my power
Dio mene zaista sad želi poć
Part of me really wants to go now
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world
Ali gdje si?
But where are you?
Zar me gledaš?
Are you looking at me?
Zar me trebaš?
Do you need me?
Kud me zoveš?
Where are you calling me to?
Kamo to ideš? Ne ostavljaj me
Where are you going to? Don't leave me
Kako da slijedim te?
How am I to follow you?
U tajnovit svijet
Into the misterious world