Sé que et sento, però no vull.
I know I can hear you, but I don't want to
Hi ha qui vol problemes, jo els vull ben lluny.
There's those who want problems, I want them far away
Mil raons tindria per seguir i no fer-te cas
I'd have thousands of reasons to move on and not obey you
Ignorar els teus càntics, que no vull sentir-los pas
To ignore your chantings, that I don't want to hear
No ets una veu, ets un brunzit que tinc al cap
You're not a voice, you're a buzz I have in my head
I si ara et sento, que no és cert, ho diu algú i no ho sap
And if I heard you now, which isn't true, somebody's saying it and doesn't know
Tots aquells que jo he estimat són dins d’aquest castell
All of those I love are inside this castle
Ho sento però, sirena, ja no escolto els teus rampells
I'm sorry, siren, but I'm not longer listening to your outbursts
No vull aventures, ja te les pots endur
I don't want adventures, you can take them away already
El perill que corro és massa gran si vinc amb tu
The risk I'm taking is very big if I go with you
Cap a un lloc secret, cap a un lloc secret
To a secret place, To a secret place
Cap a un lloc secret
To a secret place
Digue’m què vols? Que ja no em deixes ni dormir
Tell me, what do you want? You don't even let me sleep anymore
Has vingut a distreure’m per desviar-me del camí?
Have you come here to distract me to get me off track?
O bé potser tu ets algú que s’assembla molt a mi,
Or maybe you're someone who closely resembles me
Algú que sap que no hauria de ser aquí.
Someone that knows I shouldn't be from here
Cada dia és més difícil, el poder creix per moments,
Every day is harder, the power grows by moments
Una part de mi et vol seguir corrents…
A part of me wants to follow you...
Cap a un lloc secret, cap a un lloc secret
To a secret place, To a secret place
Cap a un lloc secret
To a secret place
On ets ara? Que em coneixes?
Where are you now? Do you know me?
Què ofereixes? Què em planteges?
What do you offer? What do you propose me?
Vine, no marxis, no em facis retrets
Come, don't go, Don't reproach me
Digue’m com puc venir a aquest lloc secret?
Tell me how can I go, to that secret place?