Res je veter je malo hladnejši
It's true the wind is a little bit colder
in vsi smo starejši
and we are all older
in oblaki polete kot jih sapica podi
and the clouds fly where the breeze sends them
Glej strašilo se spreminja v gnojilo
Look the scarecrow is turning to fertilizer
Vroče sonce mu je list posušilo
(The) Hot sun dried his leaf
A vseeno nekaj stalnih je stvari
But there are still some permanent things
Saj, vse kot vedno je
Because, everything is like always
ko počiva v dlani dlan
When (your) hand rasts in (my) hand
tak občutek je
it feels like that
ko preživljava skupaj dan
when we are spending (the) day together
Kakor skala je ki se ne podre
It's like a rock that doesn't fall
In če si kdaj na dnu
And if you are ever feeling down
Vse kot vedno je
Everything is like always
in veš da zate bom vedno tu
and you know I will always be here for you
Že listje z drevja odpada
The leaves are already falling
Zdi se kot da prihodnost prihaja
It feels like the future is coming
Mar mi praviš da nocoj imaš namen pokleniti
Are you telling me tonight you intent to get down on your knee
Ampak v teh stvareh sem prava neroda
But I am stumblebum in this things
In vedno pripeti se nezgoda
And there's always a mishap
Kaj ko prepustil bi mi romantične reči
What if you leave romantic stuff to me
Ja, vse kot vedno je
Yes, everything is like always
Ko neskončno jo rad imam
When I love her endlessly
Tak občutek je da nikoli ne bom več sam
It feels like I will never be alone again
A če to storim
But if I do that
In se ne bojim
and I am not afraid
Vse bo lepo in prav, ne?
It will all be alright, right?
Vse kot vedno je
Everything is like always
Sven le glej da boš prav ravnal
Sven make sure you do things right
Nemiren veter da na njem potuje ta glas
It is a restless wind that this voice is travelling on
Nekaj prihaja, spremembe ki s seboj jih nosi čas
(is) something is coming, changes that the time carries
Trenutek sreče prekratek je poglej
a moment of happiness is too short you know
Naj se ne pozabi užijem ga naj traja še naprej
To not let it be forgotten I will relish it and let it last
Ko veter je malo hladnejši
When the wind is a little colder
In vsak dan smo malo starejši
and every day we are a little older
Pripravimo darove jesenskega neba
we prepare the gifts of autumn sky
Za vedno smo v domovini obilja
Forever we are in the land of plenty
Ki pridnim le z dobrim postilja
Which serves all good people well
In zastava Arendela naj nam večno plapola
Let the Arendelle flag always fly
naj večno plapola
let it always fly
naj večno plapola
let it always fly
naj večno plapola
let it always fly!
Vse kot vedno je
Everything is like always
Čas beži ne ustavi se
Time flies (and) it never stops
Tak občutek je
It feels like it
Da prihodnost neznana je
That the future is unknown
Pusti vse skrbi
Leave all worries
Čas nam ne da miru
Time won't leave us alone
Vse kot vedno je
Everything is like always
Veš da zate bom vedno tu
You know i'll always be here for you
Zate bom vedno
For you i will always be
Zate bom vedno
For you i will always be
Zate bom vedno tu
For you i will always be here
Veš zate bom vedno tu
You know i'll always be here for you