Translation of the song 想見你 [Show Yourself] artist Frozen 2 (OST)
想見你 [Show Yourself]
I want to see you
Now (I) seem to see the truth
The way has been cold
我卻滿心興奮 為夢裏的你此刻聽得到
But I'm full of excitement, as (I) can hear you inside the dream
藏身天地外 如能重遇再會面
Hidden out of the world, (I) hope (we) can meet again?
如風趨前 重認故地在前邊
As the wind approaches, (I) recognise (my) homeland ahead
如心中遠處有森林 絕密冰封裏邊
There's a forest deep inside (my) heart, secrets frozen inside
如藏着印記 願你再次開展
There's an imprint, wish you (could) open up again
想見你 再見是何模樣
(I) want to see you, what's (your) look now?
想見你 請出來
(I) want to see you, please come out
Who gave me hope to find my way all of my life?
心所想 渴望你身影
(I) have been longing from (my) heart to see you
As if (I'm) destined to let go of the past
Break out of this impasse!
引領我揭開一切 出生得怎麼秘密神聖
Lead me to uncover everything: the secret of (my) birth
我與千萬人隔千層 像異域之中誕生
I'm so separated from others, as if (I) was born on exotic lands
常常自問 並沒答案
(I've) always asked myself, but (there) are no answers
Wish you could show yourself
想聽真 答案令人重生
(I) want to hear for real, the answer for my redemption
沿路往 求可問句真
All this way, (I've) wanted to ask for the truth
為尋覓你踏破天與地 遺忘用心
(I've) searched high and low in hope of finding you
想聽真 也要再望個真
(I) want to hear and see (you) for real
請你踏前 開放大門
Please come forward, open the door
等你步來 連繫你我
(I'm) waiting for you to step out (and) make a connection
請接近我 請接納我
Please come to me, please accept me
等你步來 連繫你我
(I'm) waiting for you to step out (and) make a connection
- 冷風飛越 這大海
- Cold wind leaps through the sea
流進心裏 憶記在河內
Memories flow from the river, into (our) hearts
- 媽媽家園留住愛
- Mother left you love in the homeland
- 是你嗎?
- Is that you?
- 牽引我 你引力如漩渦
- Your gravity pulls on me like whirls
改變我 我進化更多
(You have) changed me, I evolved more
- 等一世你最想等的你
- You (are) the one you've been waiting for all of (your) life
- 用我一生
- All of my life
- 投入你心
- Enter your heart
- 你在望
- You've been watching
- 你
- You