Translation of the song BEYOND THE TIME artist TM Network
You belong to me サヨナラ言えなくて
You belong to me. I couldn't say goodbye.
いつまでも 抱しめたかった
I wanted to hold you forever.
I belong to you 張り裂けそうになる
I belong to you. I'll give you my heart,
この胸を 君に差し出して
which is about to burst open.
We belong to Earth 遥かな宇宙(そら)のもと
We belong to Earth. There is Earth
コバルトに 光る地球がある
that shines in cobalt under the distant universe.
悲しみは そこから始まって
Sadness starts from there
愛しさが そこに帰るのさ
and sweetness returns there.
ああ メビウスの輪から抜け出せなくて
Aa, I can't get out of Mobius strip
and repeat many sins.
More than peace, more than freedom, more than right,
because you're all I want.
Even if you move away, change, or lose sight of it,
don't lose brilliance of yourself.
You can change your destiny 時の向こう
You can change your destiny. Beyond the time.
You can change your future 闇の向こう
You can change your future. Beyond the darkness.
We can share the happiness 捜してゆく
We can share the happiness. I will look for it.
I will look for the day we can forgive each other.
夢という 風に導かれて
Guided by the wind of dreams,
あやまちの 船に揺られてく
I will be swayed by a ship of mistakes.
We belong to Earth 生きてゆけるのなら
We belong to Earth. If I can live,
いつかまた もどれる日がある
there will be a day when I can come back again.
ああ メビウスの輪から引き寄せられて
Aa, I will be attracted to Mobius strip.
I will repeat encounters.
Beyond the time
Beyond the time.
More than hope, more than ideal, more than longing,
君だけが真実 つかんでいた
only you grasped the truth.
Don't close
your ephemeral, violent and genuine eyes.
You can change your destiny 時の向こう
You can change your destiny. Beyond the time.
You can change your future 闇の向こう
You can change your future. Beyond the darkness.
We can share the happiness 捜してゆく
We can share the happiness. I will look for it.
I will look for the day when we loved each other.
You can change your destiny 時の向こう
You can change your destiny. Beyond the time.
You can get your future 闇の向こう
You can get your future. Beyond the darkness.
ああ もう一度君に
if we can make encounter again,
I would go beyond the Mobius universe.
越えて Beyond the time
Beyond the time.