Ne bo‘ldi, ne so‘ndi bizlarda?
What's wrong, what extinguished in us?
Sevgimiz yig‘laydi...
Our love is weeping...
Osmonda tushga aylanib qolsa edi
If only my anguish, my distress
Dardim, qayg‘u-iztirobim,
Will turn to dream in the heavens,
Azoblarda yonar yuragim.
My heart is burning in torments.
Bo‘lmasak bizlar hech qachon birga,
If we can never be together,
Ne uchun uchrashdik, aytgin, nega,
Why did we meet, tell me, why,
Ayt, kimlar uchun unutamiz orzuni?
Tell me, for whom do we forget our dreams?
Ayt, nimalar, sevgilim,
Tell me, my love, what
Bog‘lolmaydi, ololmaydi bizni?
Cannot bind us, take us?
Meni esla, meni esla,
Remember me, remember me
Quyosh botib, tong otganda
At sunset and at dawn
Meni esla, meni esla...
Remember me, remember me
Endi faqat sog‘inchimni
Now I will turn into rain
Yomg‘ir bo‘lib bildiraman senga.
To show you my longing
Mayli, baxt qololmas ekan bizda,
Let there be no happiness left in us
Mayli, biz bo‘lolmasak ham birga,
Even if we can't be together,
Men uchun yetar bu butun umrga -
I met a happiness in you,
Sendek baxtni ko‘rdim...
That's enough for me for the rest of my life...
Sen yashaysan mening qalbimda!
You will live in my heart!
Meni esla, meni esla,
Remember me, remember me
Quyosh botib, tong otganda
At sunset and at dawn.
Meni esla, meni esla...
Remember me, remember me
Endi faqat sog‘inchimni
Now I will turn into rain
Yomg‘ir bo‘lib bildiraman senga.
To show you my longing.