Osvrni se mirno na godine prošle
Calmly turn around and look at the years past
U nizu što šapuću: Bledo je, bledo je
Which whisper in a row: It's faded, it's faded
Sasvim je isprano sećanje moje
My memory has completely faded
Ne želim da znam
I do not wish to know
Začešljaj pramen straha s lica
Comb the hairstrand of fear from your face
Skloni te umorne, zavidne oči
Hide those tired, envious eyes
Da ne vidim očaj
So that I do not see the despair
Da ne vidim ništa
So that I do not see anything,
Što neću da znam
I do not wish to know
U dobrim si rukama
You are in good hands
Niko te neće ponovo zvati
No one will call you again
Iz dalekog grada u nezgodno vreme
From a far away town, at an inconvenient time
Da čuje ti glas
To hear your voice
I klize ti reči niz prozore gole
And your words slide down empty windows
U praznom stanu zidovi broje
In an empty apartment the walls count
Zidovi znaju čuvati tajne
The walls know how to keep secrets
I sakriti laž
And hide lies
Osvrni se mirno na godine prošle
Calmly turn around and look at the years past,
U nizu što šapuću: Bledo je, bledo je
Which whisper in a row: It's faded, it's faded
Sasvim je isprano sećanje moje
My memory has completely faded
Ne želim da znam
I do not wish to know
Na kraju smo puta potpuno čisti
At the end of the road we are completely clean
Potpuno sami
Completely alone
Beskrajno tupi
Endlessely numb
Jer strašno je hladna krv koja teče
For horribly cold is the blood that flows
I ostavlja trag
And leaves a trace