Kako te zamišljam
How I imagine you
kako te zamišljam
How I imagine you
beli hodnik i beli sto
A white path and a white bench
Pleteš ruke od morskih trava
You knit the seaweed by hands
modro i zeleno, modro i zeleno
Blue and green, blude and green
Teško primam promenu lica
I hardly accept people changing
u hodniku vremena
On the path of the time
U naručju vremena
In the arms of the time
Kako da ostanem isti
How do I stay the same?
kako da sačuvam
How do protect
sebe od promene
Myself from the change?
samo putem promene
I change along the way
Mirno spavaš i pramen na licu
You are sleeping peacefully and a lock on your cheek
ti izmami osmeh
Makes you smile
Opet i opet želim da vidim
Again and again I wish that I could see
unatrag, unatrag, unatrag
Back, back, back,
modro i zeleno, modro i zeleno
Blue and green, blue and green
U naručju vremena
In the arms of time
Bolje da pričam o sebi
I better talk about myself
bolje da idem u nove promene
I better go ahead and change
i samo putem promene
I change along the way
Kako te zamišljam
How I imagine you
Hodaj, hodaj, hodaj
Walk, walk, walk
Kako te zamišljam
How I imagine you
kako te zamišljam
How I imagine you
unatrag, unatrag, unatrag
Back, back, back,
modro i zeleno
Blue and Green