Bolje je da me ne znaš
It would be better if you don't know me
bolje da sam ti stran
It would be better if I was a stranger to you
ne bi mogla da zatvoriš usta
you couldn't keep your mouth shut
od želje da pobegneš
from the wish to escape
glavom bez obzira
with your head irrespective
Treba da shvatiš
You need to understand
svako ima svoj put
everyone has their road
svako je čudan na svoj način
everyone is strange in their own way
svako je strejt
everyone is straight
i svako je glup i tup
and everyone is stupid and dumb
nemoj praviti pakosti
don't make trouble
budi ono što ne voliš biti
be that what you don't like to be
danas smo sami ja i ti
today we're alone, me and you
Nećeš moći da stigneš
You won't be able to catch up
ove godine porozne
with this porous years
ali nemoj da brineš
but don't worry
ponos ostaje
the pride stays
Mogla bi reći ova veza je prevara
You could say this relationship is a deception
jedno govorim drugo radim
I say something and do something else
tu sam na tren
I'm here for an instant
a posle još ko zna kad
and after that who knows where
Ne znaš da sanjaš
You don't know how to dream
ne znaš pravila ludosti
you don't know the rules of madness
svako je čudan na svoj način
everyone is strange in their own way
svako je strejt
everyone is straight
i svako govori gluposti
and everyone talks nonsense