U sumrak otežaju senke
In the dusk shadows get heavier,
i plaze nam po licima
They lick over our faces.
i sjaj u očima je dubok i nestvaran
Glow in eyes is deep and unreal.
putujemo rečima i razmišljamo
We travel by words and think
ti i ja, ti i ja
You and I, you and I.
U sumrak tvoje hladne ruke
In the dusk your cold hands
me miluju po grudima
Caress my chests.
zaboravljam, zaboravljam
I am forgetting, I am forgetting.
ma samo ti znaš koliko mnogo ih ima
Only you know how much of them are there.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
U sumrak znam da znaš da znam
In the dusk you know that I know
sve o nevažnim stvarima
Everything about insignificant things.
iza brda je polje, iza polja je kuća
Behind the hill is a field, behind the field is a house,
iza kuće je šuma, iza šume je put
Behind the house is a forest, behind the forest is a road
koji vodi, koji vodi, koji vodi, koji vodi
Which leads,which leads, which leads, which leads,
koji vodi do tebe, koji vodi do tebe
Which leads to you, which leads to you.
Ma samo ti znaš
Only you know
koliko mnogo ih ima
How much of them are there.
samo ti znaš
Only you know
koliko mnogo ih ima
How much of them are there.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
U sumrak tvoje hladne ruke
In the dusk your cold hands
me miluju po grudima
Caress my chests.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.
budi pored mene
Be by my side.