Mislim na korak
I'm thinking about the step
koji je najteži kada je najlakši
that is the most difficult when it is the most simple
koji vodi do onog pravog
that leads to that what is real
jedinog istinskog
To what is only genuine.
U meni zvečkaju srebrne pare
The silver coins are tinkling inside of me
jer danas je nalik na praznik
for today it's like a holiday
na svečanost
on celebration.
Zar je to samo laž
Is it but a lie
Zar je to prevara
is it a deceit?
Mislim na prvi i poslednji dan
I'm thinking about the first and the last day
mislim na prvi i poslednji odgovor
i'm thinking about the first and the last answer
koji ću dobiti ako se potrudim
that i will get if i try hard
ako se mnogo i crveno potrudim
if i give a real bloody effort.
dok ležimo na leđima
While we are lying on our backs
i gledamo bele oblake na nebu
and gazing at the white clouds on the sky
u proleće, na Đurđevdan
in the spring, on the day of Saint George.
Zar je to samo laž
Is it but a lie
zar je to prevara
is it a deceit?
Mislim na prvi i poslednji dan
I'm thinking about the first and the last day
ovo je prvi i poslednji dan
this is the first and the last day.
Zar je to samo laž
Is it but a lie
zar je to prevara
is it a deceit?
Mislim na prvi i poslednji dan
I'm thinking about the first and the last day
ovo je prvi i poslednji dan
this is the first and the last day.