Bistar dan kao planinska reka,
A clear day, like a mountain river
Kao pušten sa lanca, kao lakši od vode.
Like it's let loose from a chain, like it's lighter than water
Pružam ruke, dodirujem stvari
I'm reaching with my hands, I'm touching things
To je poseban obred, i postajem siguran da
That's a special ceremony, and I'm becoming to be sure that
To je stvaran svet oko mene...
That's the real world around me...
Potpuno svestan da prolazi vreme
Fully aware that time is passing by
Kao padanje peska, kao mreškanje vode.
Like falling of sand, like ripple in the water
Zatvaram oči i gledam unutra
I'm closing my eyes, and looking inside
Moje sumnje su glupe, i postajem siguran da
My doubts are stupid, and I'm becoming to be sure that
To je stvaran svet u meni, samo čekam da prođe...
That's the real world in me, I'm just waiting for it to pass by...
Gurni me blago da se vratim u stanje
Push me gently that I return myself in the condition
Koje podstiče krv da se popne u obraz,
That urge blood to climb in the chick
I sjuri u glavu kao metak u čelo
And plunge into the head like a bullet in the forehead
Jer ishod je isti i postajem siguran da
Because result is the same and I'm becoming to be sure that
To je stvaran svet oko mene, samo čekam da prođe...
That's the real world around me, I'm just waiting it to pass by...