Ivan i Bojan
Ivan and Bojan
Mitar, Sasa, Orhan
Mitar, Sasha, Orhan
Nenad i Zoran
Nenad and Zoran
Dusan, Vojkan, Ljuba
Dushan, Vojkan, Ljuba
U proslim danima
In the old days
osvojili smo ponos
We won pride
u proslim danima
In the old days
izgubili smo sve
We lost everything
Ostajem sam, ostajem sam
I'm staying, I'm staying
u ovom gradu strahom zatrpan
In this town buried in fear
ovaj grad je nekad
This city is once
bacao svetla daleko
Throwing light away
ovaj grad je mogao bolje
This city could be better
Mi smo dozvolili
We are allowed
da stvari odu predaleko
To leave things far away
ova je borba bila ispod casti
This is a fight beneth honour
protiv razuma
Against a reason
U proslim danima
In the old days
osvojili smo ponos
We won pride
u proslim danima
In the old days
sve, sve, sve
Everything, everything, everything
Dolazi dan, dolazi dan
The day comes, the day comes
dan koji cekam ovde zatrpan
The day I'll wait here buried
ovi ljudi su valjda zasluzili bolje
These people are probably deserves something better
mi to mozemo zajedno
We can do it together
Dolazi dan
In the old days