Translation of the song Et queda tant per viure artist Il Volo
Et queda tant per viure
You have so much to live
Senties que te n'anaves
You felt that you were leaving
I els teus llavis em somreien
and your lips smiled at me
Mentre els ulls plens de tristor deien adéu
while your eyes, full of sadness, said good-bye.
No vaig voler deixar-te anar sense lluitar
I did not want to let you go without fighting
Un altre cop
once again
No sé si va ser la ràbia
I do not know if it was anger,
Però des del teu cor naixia
but from your heart was born
Una força que et va fer tornar a mi
a force that made you return to me.
Potser només et feia falta creure en tu
Maybe you just missed believing in yourself,
Sempre amb tu, amor
always in you, love.
Sentir que et queda tant per viure
Feel that you have so much left to live,
Saber que sóc al teu costat
to know that I am at your side,
Sentir que aquesta vida et crida
feel that this life is calling you,
Saber que l'amor ho pot tot
to know that love can overcome everything
Ja des que les nits són dies
Since nights are days,
L'esperança t'ha fet créixer
hope has made you grow
I ara lluny de tot això per fi ets feliç
and now, far from it all, finally you are happy.
Vas ser valent, vas demostrar-me que l'amor
You were brave, you showed me that love
Ho pot tot
can overcome everything.
Sentir que et queda tant per viure
Feel that you have so much left to live,
Saber que sóc al teu costat
to know that I am at your side,
Sentir que aquesta vida et crida
feel that this life is calling you,
Saber que l'amor ho pot tot
know that love can overcome everything.
Que aquesta vida et crida
May this life call you,
Que sóc al teu costat
that I am at your side.
Sentir que et queda tant per viure
Feel that you have so much left to live,
Saber que sóc al teu costat
to know that I am at your side,
Sentir que aquesta vida et crida
feel that this life is calling you,
Saber que l'amor ho pot tot
know that love can overcome everything.