Translation of the song Pienso en ti (E più ti penso) artist Il Volo
Pienso en ti (E più ti penso)
I think of you (And more I think of you)
Y cuanto más lo pienso, más te echo de menos
And the more I think about it, the more I miss you
Te veo con mis ojos cansados
I see you with my tired eyes
Es la noche pienso en ti siempre
It's the night I always think of you
Cierro los ojos y pienso en ti
I close my eyes and think of you
A pesar de todo son lo más importante
In spite of everything, they are the most important
Y vuelvo a mi mente a medida que son dulces
And I return to my mind as they are sweet
Me pregunto cómo sería vivir sin ti
I wonder what would it be like to live without you
Y yo digo que no podría volver a verte
And I say that I could not see you again
Ya sé que no he de vivir
I already know that I will not live
Y la noche y ya está
And the night and that's it
Sin ti no tener un hueco alrededor de
Without you not having a gap around
Y tal vez ya ha perdido ahora
And maybe he has already lost now
Aprieto mi almohada seis cercano
I tighten my pillow six* close
Y cuanto más lo pienso, más te echo de menos
And the more I think about it, the more I miss you
Yo soy una cosa pequeña, sin que
I am a small thing, without that
Me siento como un pez
I feel like a fish
No tienen agua para el baño
They don’t have water for the bathroom
Respirar sin ti
To breathe without you
sin ti
without you
sin ti
without you
Y si no podía volver a verte
And if I could not see you again
Ya sé que me iba a morir...
I already know that I was going to die ...