Translation of the song 通り恋 artist Indigo la End
Passing Love
While worried if they know our secret
I’d rather put it on this song
Doesn’t matter much to all but two of us
A story such as passing love
もう泣いてもいい 乱れてもいい 壊れてもいい
It’s okay to cry, to make a mess, and to break apart
だけどあなたを愛してることだけ 歌うよ
But I’m just going to sing I’m so deep in love with you
もう僕らの中に刻み込まれた 一部とはいえ大きな愛を
Etched into us is part of our love but it’s even larger than life
I can’t possibly hold it in
大体あなたのことはわかってるって 言ったかもしれないけど
I might’ve told that I learned about most of you
Didn’t even know what your best dishes were
I want to let it slip my mind
Until you and I can laugh about it
もう泣いてもいい 乱れてもいい 壊れてもいい
It’s okay to cry, to make a mess, and to break apart
だけどあなたを愛してることだけ 歌うよ
But I’m just going to sing I’m so deep in love with you
もう僕らの中に刻み込まれた 一部とはいえ大きな愛を
Etched into us is part of our love but it’s even larger than life
I can’t possibly hold it in
知らない顔があったのも 消えない過去があったのも
That there were the face I didn’t know and the past I couldn’t erase
You could’ve let me know before I wiped them out
砂鉄みたいに吸い寄せられたから 冷たい部分も知ってた
I learned the cold parts of you as they pulled me close like magnetite sand
同じ言葉でまやかし合った そんな結果で終わりなの?
We fooled each other with same old words; are you okay with that ending?
あなたがしてた指輪のサイズを 遠回しに聞いたことも
I beat around the bush to ask for the size of your ring
靴のサイズだけ直接聞いちゃって 笑われたことも
And you laughed at me when I asked for your shoe size
Though I remember them completely, it doesn’t feel real
でもさ、やっぱり 好きなんだ
Even so, I adore it
何でもない 何でもないと 言い聞かせては
I’ve been telling myself that it’s nothing at all
I’ll be embraced in your memories as I trace them back
そう歌う声が枯れるだけなら 一部とはいえない大きな愛を
If it only makes my singing voice die, part of our love but larger than life
I’ll keep on screaming it