Translation of the song Por Arriba, Por Abajo artist Ricky Martin
Por Arriba, Por Abajo
From up above, from down below
Santa Cecilia, yo quiero cantar
Saint Cecilia, I want to sing
¡Ay! San Melitón enséñame el son
Ah! Saint Melito teach me the tune
Santa Lucia, la quiero mirar
Saint Lucia, I want to look at her
Yo te lo pido, San Corazón
I beg you, blessed heart
Santa Paciencia, Santa Piedad
Blessed patience, Blessed mercy
Santa rumbita, la quiero gozar
Blessed rumbita, I want to enjoy her
Santa tristeza
Blessed sadness
This ends now
Solo con ella bailo yo
I will dance only if it's with her
Por arriba, por abajo
From up above, from down below
Calientitos, bien pegados
We will be warm and really close
Por arriba, por abajo
From up above, from down below
Angelitos sin pecado
Little angels without sin
Santa Virginia, no sé si atacar
Saint Virginia, I don't know if I should make my move
San Valentín, la deseo un montón
Saint Valentine, I want her a lot
Santa Inocencia, la quiero tocar
Blessed innocence, I want to touch her
¡Ay! no me dejes, San corazón
Ah! Don't abandon me, blessed heart
Santa mentira, Santa verdad
Blessed lies, blessed truth
Santo bolero, la quiero abrazar
Blessed bolero, I want to embrace her
Santa alegría
Blessed joy
This ends now
Solo con ella bailo yo
I will dance only if it's with her