Translation of the song Невидима сім'я artist Okean Elzy


Невидима сім'я

English translation

Invisible Family

З тобою на двох купили ми день,

You and I, we've bought one day for two,

Він буде так довго. Хіба нам не досить?

it is going to last for so long, wouldn't that be enough for us?

З тобою на двох ми випили ніч.

You and I, we've drunk one night for two.

Не бійся так ніжно ніхто не попросить.

Have no fear, no one else can ask for it so lovingly.

Навколо світ, а ти і я –

There is all the world around us, but you and I,

Така невидима сім’я!

we are just an invisible family.

З тобою на двох ми бачили світ

You and I, we've seen the whole world together,

І, може, є інший. Хіба ж ми шукали?

perhaps there's another one, though. Have we ever looked for it?

Я збігаю сам, а ти не вставай,

I'm going to run and get it myself, don't you get up,

Так хочеться пити знов

we're so much thirsty again,

Вино і кров, а всього так мало!

for wine and blood, but there's still too little!

Навколо світ, а ти і я –

There is all the world around us, but you and I,

Така невидима сім’я!

we are just an invisible family.

Мені вже йти, а я і ти

I have to go now, but you and I

Лягли на дно – нікому не знайти!

we lie so low - no one will ever find us.

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