Translation of the song Buzi-e vagy artist Sickratman
Buzi-e vagy
Are you a faggot?
Pöttyös az inged? Buzi-e vagy?
Your shirt has polka dots? Are you a faggot?
Fested a hajad? Buzi-e vagy?
You dye your hair? Are you a faggot?
Piros a cipőd? Buzi-e vagy?
Your shoe is red? Are you a faggot?
Mignont eszel? Buzi-e vagy?
You eat petite fours1? Are you a faggot?
Füvet szívsz, bazeg? Buzi-e vagy?
Fuck, you smoke weed? Are you a faggot?
Kefiret iszol? Buzi-e vagy?
You drink kefir2? Are you a faggot?
Bulldog a kutyád? Buzi-e vagy?
You own a bulldog? Are you a faggot?
Macskát tartasz? Buzi-e vagy?
You have a cat? Are you a faggot?
Nem eszel húst? Buzi-e vagy?
You don't eat meat? Are you a faggot?
Te hegedülsz, bazzeg? Buzi-e vagy?
Fuck, you play the violin? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt csinálsz? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you doing? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt nézel? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you looking at? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt gondolsz? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you thinking? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt képzelsz? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck do you fantasize about? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt hordasz? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you wearing? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt érzel? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you feeling? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt mondasz? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you saying? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt vérzel? Buzi-e vagy?
What the fuck are you bleeding? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt csinálsz?
What the fuck are you doing?
Mi a faszt nézel?
What the fuck are you looking at?
Mi a faszt gondolsz?
What the fuck are you thinking?
Mi a faszt sértel?
What the fuck are you offending3?
Mi a faszt hordasz?
What the fuck are you wearing?
Mi a faszt érzel?
What the fuck are you feeling?
Mi a faszt mondasz?
What the fuck are you saying?
Mi a faszt vérzel?
What the fuck are you bleeding?
Mi a faszt?
What the fuck?
Mi a?
What the?
Ne csináld, mosogatsz? Buzi-e vagy?
Come on, are you washing the dishes? Are you a faggot?
Dosztojevszkijt olvasol? Buzi-e vagy?
You read Dostoevsky? Are you a faggot?
Nem voltál katona? Buzi-e vagy?
You didn't serve in the military? Are you a faggot?
Az anyáddal laksz? Buzi-e vagy?
You live with your mom? Are you a faggot?
Te nem ütsz vissza? Buzi-e vagy?
You don't hit back? Are you a faggot?
Ülve hugyozol? Buzi-e vagy?
You pee sitting down? Are you a faggot?
Megmosod a segget szarás után?
You wash your ass after shitting? Are you a faggot?
Te tudsz angolul? Buzi-e vagy?
You know how to speak English? Are you a faggot?
Szóbaállsz a buzikkal? Buzi-e vagy?
You talk to faggots? Are you a faggot?
Néger a csajod? Buzi-e vagy?
Your girl is black? Are you a faggot?
Tilost hallgatsz, hallod? Buzi-e vagy?
You listen to the Tilos Radio4? Are you a faggot?
Bicajjal jársz? Buzi-e vagy?
You ride a bike? Are you a faggot?
Nincsed mobilod? Buzi-e vagy?
You don't have a mobile phone? Are you a faggot?
Te nem nézel TV-t? Buzi-e vagy?
You don't watch TV? Are you a faggot?
Te zsidó vagy, bazdmeg? Buzi-e vagy?
Fuck, are you a Jew? Are you a faggot?
Félsz a póktól? Buzi-e vagy?
Are you afraid of spiders? Are you a faggot?
Kávéba tejszínhab? Buzi-e vagy?
You put whipped cream on your coffee? Are you a faggot?
Mit ölelgetsz, bazzeg? Buzi-e vagy?
Why the fuck are you hugging me? Are you a faggot?
Színházba jársz? Buzi-e vagy?
You go to the theater? Are you a faggot?
Nudista vagy? Buzi-e vagy?
Are you a nudist? Are you a faggot?
Mi a faszt csinálsz?...stb.
What the fuck are you doing? ... etc