Pinta baticum na mesa
There's some knocking on the table
Alegria com cerveja
Happy people drinking beer
Entidades e nações
Entities and nations
Mudo e surdo
A mute and a deaf man
Encapadas em capetas
Covered as devils
Língua que lambe ninfetas
The tongue that licks the nymphs
Lata maraçá e fome
A maraçá can and hunger
Gangazunga lobisomem
Ganga Zumba, a werewolf
Samirá que vira homem
Samirá that turns into a man
Rum pi lé rum
Rum pi lé rum
É vendaval, é ilusão
It's a tornado, it's an illusion
E eu e você no carnaval
You and I during carnival
No carnaval
During carnival
E a glória de nada
And nothing has any glory
Me valeria
My Atlantis, Bahia
Minha atlântida Bahia
Would be worth to me
Ilha de reuniões
An island of meetings
E agora já que tenho
And now that I already have
Talvez veja outro filme
Maybe I'll watch another movie
Lâmina mulher Maria
Razors, woman, Maria
Que guia guia
That guides, guides
Bimotor que silencia
A twin-engined plane that silences
Rum pi lé rum
Rum pi lé rum
Ý vendaval, é ilusão
It's a tornado, it's an illusion
Ý eu e você no carnaval
You and I during carnival
No carnaval
During carnival
Do you believe me
Do you believe me
Can you hear me
Can you hear me