Translation of the song Vrijeme je, draga, vrijeme je artist Rade Šerbedžija
Vrijeme je, draga, vrijeme je
It's Time, Darling, It's Time
Vrijeme je da se kaže,
It' time for things to be said,
vrijeme da se mora.
It's time for things to must be done.
Vrijeme se u meni slaže,
Time arranges itself inside me,
k'o raspuknula kora.
As if it were a cracked bark.
Vrijeme se olujno vije,
Storm time swinging,
vrijeme me napokon treba.
Time finally needs me.
Uspinju se kletve
Curses climb up
do ovog tmurnog neba.
To this gloomy sky.
Da li sam dovoljno znao,
Have I known enough,
za tebe riječi prave?!
The right words for you?
A sve sam čini se dao,
And everything, it seems, I gave away,
sve od snova i od jave.
Everything belonging to dreams and reality.
Vrijeme se u meni množi,
Time piles up inside me,
moji slavni trenuci.
My glorious moments.
Vrijeme se upija u koži,
Time absorbs itself through the skin,
vrijeme su nebeski zvuci.
Time - heavenly sounds.
Vrijeme je, draga, vrijeme je..
It's time, darling, it's time...
I ne pitaj me zašto,
And don't ask me why,
i ne pitaj me kako.
Don't ask me how.
Bilo je neke sreće,
There was some luck,
al' bio je i pako.
But there was also hell.
Znam trebalo bi reći,
I know, it should be said,
a srce bi da šuti.
And the heart wants to stay quiet.
Vrijeme su naši
Time is made of our
ugasli minuti,
Extinct minutes,
sve što smo dali.
Of everything we gave away.
Što još zavjetno se moli,
What's rest for devoted praying,
krade nam mladost, ubija do boli...
It steals away our youth, kills so much it hurts...
I kako da se nadam,
And how am I to hope,
i što da se kaže.
And what is there to be said?
Ovo vrijeme krade,
This time steals,
ovo vrijeme laže.
This time lies.
Vremena ta, vremena ta...
Those times, those times...
Potamnjeli kipovi,
Darkened statues,
od bronce i mjeda.
Made of bronze and brass.
Ulice razdrte
Streets thorn apart
od žute kiše.
By yellow rain.
Svuda oko nas
All around us
mrak i bijeda.
Darkness and misery.
Ni što smo voljeli
Not even the things we used to love
ne voli se više.
Aren't being loved any more.
A kad svijetlo mine
And when the light disappears
u okrilju noći.
Into the night's embrace,
Bit ćemo skupa
We'll be together -
mrak i tama,
Darkness and night,
ti ćeš mi prići,
You'll step up to me,
ti ćeš mi doći.
You'll come to me
Na vrhovima prstiju
On the tips of your toes
tiha i sama.
Quiet and alone.
Dragana moja, moja dragana...
My darling, my darling,
Dragana moja, moja dragana...
My darling, my darling.