Translation of the song (Bizaal Minak) بزعل منك artist Diana Haddad
(Bizaal Minak) بزعل منك
I Get Upset at You
بزعل منك وبسامحك
I get upset at you then forgive you
من طيبت قلبي بسامحك
Because my heart is kind, I forgive you
And speak to you directly
دليتك ع الدرب منيح
I guided you well to the path
وبعدك ماشي بعكس الريح
And you are still walking in a direction opposite to the wind
أنت.. أنت.. أنت
You.. You..You..
ما بتعرف صالحك
You don't know what's good for you
يا الي على دربي دلوك
Those who have guided you to my path
هود الناس البيحبوك
Those are the people who love you
والناس الي بدن يغشوك
And those who want to cheat you
ما بدن صالحك
they don't want what's good for you
بإلك هيك بتمشي هيك
I tell you: This is how you should walk, this way
وعن حبي مغمض عينيك
And still your eyes are closed to my love
لو ما كنت بغار عليك
If I weren't feeling jealous1
ما كنت بصالحك
I wouldn't resolve our quarrels