Translation of the song اللي بحبه مصري artist Diana Haddad


اللي بحبه مصري

English translation

The One I Love is Egyptian

اللى بحبه اصلي

The one I love is such a stunner

وشاغلني ياني

And he's on my mind all the time, oh my

اللى بحبه اصلي

The one I love is such a stunner

عارف نفسه اصلي

Well, he knows himself

وتاعبني ياني

And he's making me grow weary, oh my

ايوه حبيبي مصري

Yes my love is Egyptian

شقي وحلنجي

He's naughty and sly


He has a silver tongue

وغالي عندي اي والله

And he's so precious to me, oh I swear it

عندي ومعاكس

He's stubborn and goes against the grain

وكتير مشاكش

Many times he's a troublemaker

رغم ده كله

And despite all this

انا حباه

I love him

يامصرى بحبك

Oh, Egyptian.. I love you


I love you

لله فى لله

with no reasons needed

عنده طريقه سهله وبسيطه

He has an easy and simple method

لما ازعل يدلع

When I'm upset, he spoils me

طيبه قلبه باينه في عيونه

The kindness of his heart is apparent in his eyes

ابن بلد ومجدع

A chivalrous man with a noble attitude.

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