Translation of the song حسافة artist Diana Haddad
Such a Shame
Such a shame
باول المشوار
That at the beginning of the road
خنت الود يا غدار
You betrayed the love, oh treacherous one
جرحت القلب بغيابك
You wounded my heart with your absence
نسيت ان الزمن دوار
You forgot that what goes around comes around
و اذا شفت الغصن يبكي
And if you saw the branch1 weeping
تاكد ماتـت الاسرار
Be sure that the secrets are dead
Such a shame
باول المشوار
That at the beginning of the road
خنت الود يا غدار
You betrayed the love, oh treacherous one
و جيت اليوم تتوسل
And today you've come to beg
تبي نرجع مثل اول
You want us to go back to how we used to be
انسى دنيتي و ارحل
Forget my world and leave
كفاني ما ابي اعذار
That's enough, I want no more excuses
اول كنت بي مغرم
At first you were in love with me
بحبي هايم و تحلم
You were mesmerized by my love and dreaming
صرت اليوم ما تهتم
And nowadays you don't care anymore
قلبي في هواك احتار
My heart is confused with your love