Translation of the song ساكن artist Diana Haddad



English translation





She is resident

قلبي .. ساكن عقلي

Inside my mind and my heart..

ساكن .. روح الروح

She is resident deeply inside my soul

وهو حبي ناس وأهلي

She is part of me, she is my only love.

بشوفه .. وين أروح..؟

Thought, thinking of her every where and places


She is resident

برموش العين

Inside my eyelashes

ولفي هالزين

She's my beautiful best friend

مالك كل الحنين وعمري إلي مجروح

She owns everything in me and removes all wounds

فايق سحره فايق وصفه

I can't describe and express how beautiful her soul and heart

فايق الجمال

She is very beautiful

وأمشي بأمره آمن ولفي

I follow her wonderful shadow everywhere

يامر بالدلال

When she calls, I immediately response

الغالي.. والله بيرخص له

She is precious to me all pretty thing I will give

وقلبي بيخلص له

I will give her my heart

وحالي.. فرحة ترقص له تنسيه الجروح

With her, I forget my sorrows and worries

عاشق بدره .. عاشق صوته

I love her sense,I love her voice

وشامه ع الخدود

I love everything about her

عاشق عطره.. وبسمات

I adore her scent and her breath

شفافه.. كالورود

She is the most beautiful roses

ولما لا صدري بيضمه.. وأفرح بشمه

I smell her breath, warmth in her hug

يجري بعروقي دمه

Her blood runs in my veins

يرجع لي الروح

Makes my soul live forever

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