Translation of the song يا بشر artist Diana Haddad


يا بشر

English translation

Oh People

ياللي بحب يا بشر

Oh people, the one I love

شاطر شاطر بالهجر

is so good at abandoning people

حطيت بيده قلبي

I put my heart in his hands

حط على راسي حجر

He put a stone on my head

يما...يما شسوى؟

Oh my, oh my, what can I do?

يا رب اعطيني القوة

Oh God, give me the strength

مجرح فيي ومسوي

He hurt me and was unfair to me

و بعد اغلى من النظر

And yet he is still more precious to me than my own eyes

لو يطلب من وجهي عين

If he asks for one of my eyes

و الله ترخصله الاتنين

Two of them is a cheap price for him

مع انو مفرحني يوم

He makes me happy for one day

بيبكيني قباله شهرين

And in return makes me cry for two months

و اني بحالي شسوي؟

And what can I do with myself?

يارب عطيني القوة

Oh God, give me the strength

مجرح فيي ومسوي

He hurt me and was unfair to me

و بعد اغلى من النظر

And yet he is still more precious to me than my own eyes

والله نشفت دموعي

I swear my tears have dried up

و دربك ما منه رجوعي

And there is no backing out of your path

عطشانة و حارمني الماي

I am thirsty and he's depriving me of the water,

ياللي شلتها بضلوعي

He whom I carried in my loins1

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