Translation of the song يا وقت artist Diana Haddad
يا وقت
Oh Time
يا وقت
Oh time
قول اش صار فيك
Tell me what happened to you
قسيت حتى قلوبنا
You made even our hearts callous
جبت لنا في الدنيا شريك
You put someone between us
جبته يفرق بيننا
Someone who would separate us
كنا بخير
We used to be fine,
كنا بهنا
in bliss
وحب وسلام
love and peace
بس في الاخير
But in the end
ماعدنا من ظلمك ننام
we no longer sleep because of your unfairness
ماصرنا نوثق في احد
We no longer trust anyone
ونخاف حتى مننا
And fear even ourselves
والحب مادام ابتعد
And now that love has gone far away
وش باقي في الدنيا لنا
What remains of life for us?
Oh time
Oh time
Oh time
قول ايش صارِ فيك
Tell me what happened to you
ناس الخيانة بدمهم
There are people in whose blood betrayal flows
والغدرِ اصبح همهم
And treachery is all they think about
ونفوسهم دايم ظلام
And their souls are always dark
تشبه سواد قلوبهم
Similar to their black hearts
وش سر هذا اللي حصل
What is the secret to what has happened?
لما الدخيل بنا دخل
When this intruder came between us,
كل جرح بوصوله وصل
Every wound that came by
شتت وفرق شملنا
separated us and pulled us apart
Oh time
قول ايش صارِ فيك
Tell me what happened to you