Translation of the song Two Call artist Kaoru Akimoto
Two Call
Two Calls
After every argument
you know, I think
やっぱり悪いのは 私の方
The wrong one really is me
ダイヤル回さずに 受話器に向かって
Without dialing, I face the receiver
I practiced my lines over and over
Two call 以内に出たらあやまるから
If you answer after two calls, I'll apologize, so
お願いよ電話の側で 待っててほしいの
Please, I want you to be waiting on the other side
Heaving a sigh
I hesitate, but
指はかまわないで ダイヤルする
My fingers dial on their own
まだ帰ってないの? どこにいるの?
Aren't you home yet? Where are you?
わかってる 電話の側で笑ってるのね
I know, you're laughing on the other end of the line, right?
Two call 以内に出なきゃ もうあやまらない
If you don't answer after two calls, I won't apologize anymore
Two call 以内に出なきゃ もうあやまらない
If you don't answer after two calls, I won't apologize anymore