Translation of the song ナルシスト artist Kaoru Akimoto
They praise your picture-perfect facial features
And your coy smile
But tell me, what's actually beautiful?
思い出が 物語のよう
Those memories play out like a story
ショーウィンドウに映る 自分の唇に
In the display window, you kiss a reflection of your own lips
あなたは口づけ 吸い込まれて消えそう
And seem to get sucked in and disappear
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくの
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
あなたは すれ違う男の視線まで集めて
Gathering up the constant gazes from men passing by
As if you are a child,
部屋の隅 ひざをかかえて
You sit and hold your knees in the corner of your room
But what makes you so sad?
かすれてる はかないため息
You're losing your voice and your sighs are fragile
浅い眠りの中 何を夢見てるの?
What do you dream about during your pale sleep,
うわ言のように 自分の名前呼んで
while calling out your own name as if you're in delirium?
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくの
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
あなたの心まで 誰も触れずにながめるだけ
You just focus on your own heart, without touching anyone else's
どんなに 素敵に泣いてくれるの
How beautifully do you pretend to cry
さよならを 切り出したら
When you say goodbye after a long pause?
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくの
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
あなたは すれ違う男の視線まで集めて
Gathering up the constant gazes from men passing by
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくの
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
あなたの心まで 誰も触れずにながめるだけ
You just focus on your own heart, without touching anyone else's
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくのひとりで
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
ナルシスト 見つめてあげるあなたの噓
I'll sit back and watch alone as you lie to yourself
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくの
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
あなたは すれ違う男の視線まで集めて
Gathering up the constant gazes from men passing by
ナルシスト なんてキレイになってゆくの
What narcissist is gonna become beautiful?
あなたの心まで 誰も触れずにながめるだけ
You just focus on your own heart, without touching anyone else's