Translation of the song 今日はひとりきり artist Kaoru Akimoto
Today I'm all alone
わざとつくった横顔が すぐに見抜かれそうで
My fake expression is about to fall apart
まぶしい光 避けるフリしてうつむく
So I pretend to be blinded by light, and hang my head
ドレスのすそが ひやかすように揺れてる
The hem of my dress flutters playfully
とぎれた空気埋めたくて 息もつかずしゃべってる
Trying to break the ice, I speak without taking time to breathe
空のグラスに ふっと気がついたら
Looking at the empty glass, before I notice
わけもないのに 泣きそうになるのよ
I've started to feel like crying for no reason
Please don't be bored
Don't look at others
Don't give up on me
違う 私こんな娘じゃない
No, this isn't the girl I am
夜はやさしい瞳をして 二人だけを取り残す
The night gazes gently, leaving just the two of us behind
Even though I'm just acting normal
Somehow I feel so clumsy today
What should I do?
違う 私こんな娘じゃない
No, this isn't the girl I am
今日は一人で帰して あなたがにじんでしまう前に
I'll return alone today, before you get blurred with my tears
乾杯の声 ささやく恋人達
The sounds of toasts, whispering lovers
ざわめく店の 華やかさも遠ざけ
The liveliness of the noisy cafe, growing distant
夜はやさしい瞳をして 私だけを取り残す
The night gazes gently, leaving only me behind